domingo, 24 de octubre de 2010


According every dictionary where I looked for, corporation is an institution that is granted a charter recognizing it as a separate legal entity having its own privileges, and liabilities distinct from those of its members.

150 years ago corporation was an insignificantly institution, but nowadays it has its own base, as church and monarchy does, Corporation is todays dominant institution.

Everyone is asking what has allowed todays corporation to achieve such extraordinary power and influence over our lives and the Possible futures of the modern business corporation.

Corporation is like a family unit, people in the corporation work together for a common end, they are like Monsters trying to swallow the great quantity of profits they want, it is also a Group of individuals working together, and one of their principal objectives is winning large returns to the people who owned the business.

Corporation operates legally as an individual person. It is not a group of people it is under the law a legal person. It an buy and sell property, it can borrow money can sue and can be sued, it is A member of our society, a person than doesn't have moral conscious.

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